The rotary tablet press machine is mainly of Two types- Single side Station Table Press & double side Multi-Station Tablet Press. The single rotary station table press or Auto Single punch is simplest of the tableting equipment. The tablet making machine can be operated manually with the help of an electric motor with operating panel. These types of multi punch tablet press are used in small batch production, R&D also, and can be used to tablets having odd shape manufacture . The high speed multi station tablet press machine, on the other hand, is also known as rotary press and is also one of the most important machinery in the pharmaceutical industry. Used mainly for high productions, it has the ability to produce large number of tablets in an hour depending upon the configuration of the machine.
Tablet Press Machine, Rotary Press Machine, Tablet Press With Front Control, Tablet Compression Machine, And Compression Machine For Tablets suitable for Salt, Pharmaceutical , Nutritional , Confectionery , Industrial and Defense , Veterinary, Also Specially designed for Big tablet for pharmaceutical, veterinary, bolus, slugs, pellets, chemicals, plastic, ceramics, powder metals tablet making / press machine, Bi-Layer Machine and Also offered heavy duty special for detergent product such as dishwasher Tablets and any big size Tabs for detergent applications – Dishwashing tab /detergent tablet press machine.
Now Trend new PLC base operating Tablet compression machine for ayurvedic, candy, storage battery and ceramic industries with tableting machine with Round Shapes Dies & Punches , Regular Shape , Irregular Shapes Manufacturer , Irregulare Shape , core rod tooling manufacturer , Core Rod Tooling , Sealed Grove Punch , Sealed Grove Punch ,Multi Tip Tooling Heading , Multi Tip Tooling Heading , Solid Multi-Tip Punches, Multi Tip Punches & Dies , Solid Multi-Tip Punches , Best Steel Collection for Toolings/Special Coating Technology , Toolings/Special Coating Technology.
Tablet Compression Machine , Tablet Machine, Tablet Punching Machine